Wednesday, 23 May 2012


The Tiny Cthulhu fundraiser is now up at Indiegogo.

Donation perks include having your house made into a stomp-able model and placed in Cthulhu's path during the 'Modern Earth'-set finale, having a picture of your face appear in the 'Lost and Hidden Shrine to Those Horrors That It Is Better To Die Than To Glimpse... Even For A Second...' easter egg, and providing screams and/or last words for the destruction of a building.

So pre-order sanity-blasting horror from beyond the spheres today! at:

Monday, 21 May 2012

'Primal Chaos' Footage and an animation test

Here's the earliest footage from the in-progress 'Primal Chaos' stage:

Keep in mind that work on the Primal Chaos levels hasn't begun just yet (though it will in the next week or so...), this is from a Testmap - the computer-game-y equivalent of a sketchbook.
I'm still trying to refine the 'look' of the stage, but it will probably resemble this pretty closely, just with a bit more polish and complexity.

Stay tuned for actual level footage/screenshots as they appear.

...And, in case you wanted a better look at the Tiny Guy himself, here's an animation test of him... being animated and such...

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Primal Chaos - first screenshots

In addition to a fruitful few weeks debugging Flying Polyps, and creating tittering terrors from beyond spacetime, Non-Euclidean bulldozers are now almost ready to roll and begin creating the game's suitably sanity-blasting 'Primal Chaos' stage.

Here's a sneak peek at the earliest snapshots from beyond ordered space...

...something...something... NIGHTED HALLS ...something... something... ACCURSED FLUTES ...something...something... PRIMAL HORROR ...something...something... AZATHOTH

Monday, 16 April 2012

Teaser Trailer no.1

What is 'Tiny Cthulhu'?

A teacher at the notoriously underfunded Miskatonic University Daycare Centre sends her charges off to sleep with a story from the Necronomicon (it was the only book she could find in the library that had pictures...)
Through her not-quite-carefully-edited-enough account, we follow the dread Tiny Cthulhu on his travels through mind-blasting vortexes of madness and adorableness on his way to rain inevitable and cuddly doom on a blissfully unsuspecting humanity.

...Sleep well, kids...

Welcome to the development blog for Tiny Cthulhu - a Lovecraftian 3D platform game for PC/Mac/Linux from new Indie developer THEORY32.

For the past two years, we've been working to create a vision of what sanity-shattering Horror from Beyond looks like in colourful platform game form.

We're now at the playable demo stage, and we'd like to extend it into a full commercial game.
Keep an eye on the crowdsourcing sites - a fundraiser for the necessary money will be appearing shortly.

Some quick game design info:

1. While a 3D Platform game, it also contains third-person shooter elements (a la Ratchet and Clank)

2. Personally, I'm tired of games that are predominantly a muted grey-and-brownish colour ... I want this one to look like an explosion in a migraine factory.
...A radioactive migraine factory...

3. Haven't you always loved games with huge, sprawling levels to explore? (Yes. Yes, you have.)
Well, here we're aiming for unreasonably huge and sprawling (cyclopean, if you will...)

4. Personally, I'm a giant Lovecraft nerd, and don't want this to be yet another cheap rip on his work. All Mythos elements (i.e. everything) will be at least reasonably accurately (...if irreverently...) depicted.

5. Game locations include: The Dark Planet Vhoorl, Primal Chaos, The Ghooric Zone, Yuggoth, Pnakotus, R'lyeh, Modern Earth, and many more.

6. Nasties include: Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Shoggoths, Mi-Go, The Great Race of Yith, Byakhee, Shub-Niggurath, The Haunter of the Dark, and many, many more.

Stay posted for more news/info/pictures/video shortly!